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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review
by Roman Beybalaev

Это первая (и надеюсь, не последняя) пройденная Зельда. На прохождение ушло кучу времени. Игра затянула своим геймплеем: он старомоден и полон различных механик, которые раздражают (например, прокачка через данжи с головоломками под конец начинает люто бесить, особенно когда нужно что то делать с помощью гироскопа). Но когда понимаешь и принимаешь все правила игры, тебя затягивает и хочется пройти все, что в botw есть. Из слабых вещей тут графон и сюжет, но первое на приставке с мобильным процессором не должно удивлять, а второе особо не раздражает, когда ты принимаешь ее как линейную сказку, задача которой хоть как то построить геймплей воедино. В итоге, Зелда botw одна из лучших игр на Nintendo switch. Рекомендую к покупке.

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«Can’t stop playing»

Other reviews44

As somеonе who wasn't initially a fan of thе Zеlda saga, Thе Lеgеnd of Zеlda: Brеath of thе Wild complеtеly won mе ovеr. It stands out as onе of thе bеst opеn-world gamеs, sеamlеssly blеnding a vast and visually stunning landscapе with innovativе gamеplay and mеchanics. Thе uniquе approach to еxploration and puzzlе-solving, couplеd with a captivating narrativе, makеs it a standout titlе еvеn for thosе not traditionally drawn to thе Zеlda sеriеs.
«Blew my mind»
«Sit back and relax»
Wonderful game. Really love it
«Can’t stop playing»
«Can’t stop playing»
Nothing else feels like an adventure the way this game does. Beyond exceptional. 10/10
«Blew my mind»
It's a cool game. I like Zelda games. But for a newcomer, it's an open world that is pretty empty if you come from any 2015 + open world pc game. And it will be frustrating from many aspects, especially limited stamina. All in all it's a cool experience but I won't do it twice and won't play a second one like that. But I still recommend for the freshness and the fact that you can play it on the go !
it good
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
The greatest video game ever made. Simple as.
«Blew my mind»
Really, really, really nicely done, Nintendo! This game feels so nice in combat, exploration and overall everything, you just can't really describe what exactly made you love that game, because it's all that well put together. It's sometimes repetitive but yet very enjoyable, and that's quite an achievement.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a unique experience. From the very beginning you enter a world that is misterious, simingly fragile and balanced. It is truly delightful to explore. The physics engine lets you never get bored trying out new things. The only possible downside is an interesting story, little bits of which are too scarcely scattered around your time in the game. The castle and the ending, however, is absolutely epic and definitely worth it.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»