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XCOM: Enemy Unknown review
by Rafael Gazola Ghedini

«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
«Beaten more than once»

Other reviews7

Has promise, but ultimately is a letdown. There just isn't enough done with the core gameplay loop so you end up going through the motions before you even do the first big alien base assault. And then the game ramps up the difficulty by throwing big numbers at you. Really boring in the most uninteresting way.
Turn based tactics so good it spawned an entire subgenre.
The first XCOM game I played. It was fun and unique. It took me a bit to get into but once I was there I was in. Essentially the same review as XCOM 2 except I think XCOM 2 is more refined and I was more into it by a bit. 

Final Score: A-
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
XCOM is a more than worthy Successor to the strategy Weights from the 90 ' s. The Core Elements of the Game Series, such as Expansion of the Base, Research, team management and turn-based Battles, are excellently implemented. From my Point of view, the Balancing act between the traditionally slower Playing style of the Predecessors and the faster, fluid, modern Gameplay is very well mastered here. I particularly liked the Possibilities of Individualizing my own Fighters. They grow to your Heart and sometimes no Sacrifice is too high to save one of the Veterans ' Lives. It's definitely a Game of Decisions and behind every Corner is death lurking! A negative Point, in my View, is the almost crushing Superiority of the Player in the last Quarter of the Game. But this can be Countered by appropriate Design Options in the Degree of Difficulty. The Enemy Within expansion sensibly expands the Game with new Game Mechanics, Missions and Detail Enhancements. By the way, if you are looking for a special Challenge, I can only recommend the Mod "Long War," it increases both the Degree of difficulty and the Variety of Weapons and Technologies enormously upwards without becoming unfair. I'm already looking forward to the second Part!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
XCOM: Enemy Unknown was not only the long-awaited and above all successful Successor to the original UFO/XCOM series in 2012, but also finally came up with the playful Depth of the Role Models, which many other Games that were intended to Be successors failed to achieve. From today's Perspective, the Remake surpasses its Ancestors for Worlds. Here is a small Selection of the Highlights from my Point Of View: The different character Classes make the Troop members noticeably stronger from mission to mission and give Room for Individualization, so that the Soldiers grow closer than ever to your Heart. The Game introduces the Player to The game perfectly. In the Beginning, one is still largely directed without it taking away the Joy of the Game. Soon, however, you have all The Threads in your Own hands. All Game Mechanisms have been brought up to a modern Level. The Game creates a lot of Excitement, but the Missions can still Be played calmly thanks to the turn-based Game mechanism. The Game is very balanced and a well thought-out and strategic Approach can significantly increase the Mission success once again. The Pace Of play exactly hits my Taste. So did the Game Elements. Despite many Random Missions, the Missions are very exciting and varied. I played through the Game twice. Once without and once with the Addon "Enemy Withhin." I was surprised how much Added value the Addon gives to the Main Game. Rarely could I recommend an Add-on so much. Conclusion: In my Eyes, XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a rare Gem of Excitement and Depth of Play, coupled with successful Game mechanisms, for which I would like to thank the Developers.