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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor review
by nnhuy


Other reviews16

I expected more from this game, but honestly I felt like I was on any map with touches of the Lord of the Rings. The nemesis and substitution system really tired me out. Yes, there is a challenge and room to improve your skill and strategy, i wish i could recommended  to much better games 
Very fun. Too similar to Assassin's Creed mechanics.
A great time. Screw WB for patenting the Nemesis system
«Blew my mind»
This is how you make a good assassins creed game ubisoft 8/10. 
Hey, Warner Brothers, you got a bunch of properties, right? and a pretty successful track record making games, right? So, let's talk about other games where you could implement the nemesis system.
A solid mix of gameplay styled oeppered with a really good invention in the Nemesis system
Solid experience. Very fun building up armies of mind controlled orcs. Combat was fun although I remember this game being a bit too easy. I didn’t care about the story. The second builds upon this game and improves it in many ways but this one was still a solid experience.

Final Score: A-
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Microsoft from Deutsch
So after I got my Bug problems fixed (Check Datein) I am Writing my Review again. I don't think I have to say too much about this slightly older Title, but I still want to do my impressions. The Game is a great Title whose Story Plays between the Books of "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings." The Story is kept quite simple, so I'm not going to say Anything about it to avoid Spoilers. The Game World Mordor is very lovingly designed, and with the HD Textures DLC, The Game can still be seen today, Mordor is not very large, and Consists of only two Areas that you can quickly walk/Sneak through. I haven't even used the fast journey in all The time. Since I preferred it has to fight my way through. The Combat System is kept quite simple, and it is relatively difficult to die As long as you can counter, and deal with Shield opponents. Likewise, it will then be a little too easy, because you no longer have to fight the Opponents big, but simply to kill them en masse instead of them. And then let them kill, and when they have done their Service, you just Destroy them. So even the most braving greyly becomes an absolute Laughing Stock. Furthermore, I like the whole Uruk Chiefs And the opportunities you are offered to deal with them and the lower Ranks. However, they get a little too easy in the first Part of the Game because you ascend very quickly here as in other Games and have a walk from the Midgame. Example Games: Kingdoms of Amalur or Lords of the Fallen. Now I have finished Hunting Kampanie, and for this Short but very well done Story you get a little more from the Dwarf Torvin and get to know his View of the Things. And here I have to say that this Kampanie has made me sweat a little more because the Focus here is on the Creatures. Especially the Last Chief and Fighting Champion really demanded me this Boss had more fire than any other Boss so far. And from this Kampanie I am really hard hyped, now I just lack the Kampanie with Celebrimbor and then I would be so far through. And the big Schreenshot Editor, discovered Late by me, is absolutely Awesome, you already know it from Mad Max, but here it's a bit more Extensive. And so you can Perfect the Screenshots that are Perfect for you. Nevertheless, I have a Shortcoming, and it is about the Memory System. Either you Store at the Towers, or through Story-based Quests. The Game probably doesn't save any other way. So Whoever Collects everything, and does the small Side Tasks, and finishes the Game without taking advantage of any of the above opportunities, is allowed to do it all again next Start ... big Minus point for that. Verdict: First Of all, sry for so much Review. But you should have just played this Game, it strengthened and weakened. But if you can Hide these times for this slightly older Title, then you definitely have your bright joy at the Uruk Gemezel. You don't need to know the Books to understand the Story either, the Story tells everything quite well at its Core, even if There are gaps. So Reading books is not a Duty, but is recommended. And if you can't do anything with Middle-earth, you won't find fun here. Clear Buy recommendation, you could actually miss a very good Game here.