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Phantom Abyss review
by Retro JimmyX

The assymetric multiplayer mechanic was appealing but at least in Jan 2024, on Xbox, never saw any other players' phantoms. Apart from that, nice 3D platformer. Nothing special though.

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Fun few few dungeons. Very much Indiana Jones vibes. I kind of doubt I play this one for too long. I think it’s going to get repetitive pretty soon plus it’s only in early access but I like the idea. It’s been fun to start.

As expected, I didn’t play this for too long as it got repetitive pretty quick and the different whips didn’t seem to make that big an impact. I picked the one that gave 3 bonus hearts, which seemed huge, and the con was the boss is better but I got hurt a lot more from traps and falls than the boss so it was an easy decision. Fun early access game for a couple days.

Final Score: B
If there was ever a game that makes you feel like Indiana Jones, this is it. The async gameplay is a nice new technique and improves the gameplay. However, I found it very repetitive after a while.
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