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Left 4 Dead 2 review
by Notly

This part represents more open and dynamic gameplay in comparison with the previous one.

The game has significantly expanded the arsenal of weapons. Melee weapons such as a baseball bat, guitar, machete, and even an axe have appeared.

New types of special zombies:
Charger, Spitter, and Jockey have been added, each of which adds a new level of complexity and strategy to the game.

More advanced AI
Also made improvements to the «AI Director», making the gameplay even more unpredictable.

Overall, «Left 4 Dead 2» has truly improved and expanded the already successful formula of the original game by introducing new elements and improvements that make the gameplay even more engaging.

Other reviews12

After playing Back 4 Blood I understand how good this game
im crying in nostalgia...... and a pile of shit because it also made me shit myself 10/10
«Blew my mind»
the best Left 4 Dead game?
Will coop ever be this good again?
Tried it and played couple of times. I'm usually into these types of FPS games but this seemed odd, too over the top. Got really repetitive and boring really quick.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
One of the best zombie game series ever it's even more fun with a friend I've played this with my brother probably 3 times really awesome story and characters.does have long missions but is very short story I hope one day they will announce a 3rd game very awesome game does hold its value for how short it is.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Again, there are four Survivors to be denied by countless Zombies. Pardon, by countless Infected people. Left 4 Dead 2 Plays in The same Time frame as the first Part, only in other Places with other Heroes. The Backstory, however, remains as thin as usual: Some undefined Plague has erupted in the US, turning nearly the entire Population into squabble Brain-eaters. Now it is up to a Truffle of four People to make their way through the Southern United STATES to New Orleans; Reportedly one of the few Places on the Map where not everyone wants to say everything yet. As in Left 4 Dead, the Journey is divided into Chapters with four to five Sections each, separated by a Charging sequence in a Shelter. If there were still four Chapters in the first Part, there are now five. As usual, You can experience them alone alongside three AI companions or--much more spassly--in the Team with three other players in five Levels of difficulty. This Co-op mode is more recommended because Game Mechanics and Presentation of Left 4 Dead 2 Become quick to drift after a few Sections. Only the panicked Screams, Warnings and general Breathing a Sigh of relief of real People, once another particularly crisp zombie attack, make the Title a real Experience. It was no different with the first Left 4 Dead. So a Headset is Mandatory! Old Acquaintances Hunter, Boomer, Smoker, Tank and Witch are joined by the Spitter, the Charger and the Jockey. The Spitter spits, clearly. Highly toxic Acid spread widely on the Ground. The Charger looks like the little Brother from the Tank, he pushes towards his Opponents, lifts them off his Feet and then smashes them to the Ground over and over again. And the Jockey does exactly what the Name suggests: He sits on a Survivor's Back and almost completely takes Control of him. The Victim can only try desperately to hold against it, but usually he is directed specifically into a Zombie Horde or into the green Poison of a Spitter.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Left for Dead 2 is a First-person Shooter game that can be played as a Single Player, Co-op and Multiplayer. Unlike in Counterstrike, it is not a human Opponent, but a Zombies that is important here to fight And survive. The Zombies can be controlled by AI bots (artificial Inteligence) or other Players depending on the Mode. It is Recommended to start in Campaign Mode first. Here you get to know the different Maps, Weapons and Special Attacks of the Infected. In addition, you become more familiar with the Control and can customize settings in the Game. The Difficulty levels in Campaign Mode can be freely selected from Simple to Expert (depending on The Difficulty level, those Infected have more Life Points and deal more Damage). If you Feel ready for more Game Modes, you will quickly notice in Versus that not only Aiming, but also strategic Thinking and Teamplay are in demand here. In the Experiment, 4 Survivors each compete against 4 Specially infected people. People have the Goal of reaching the Shelter alive. It is always important to pay attention to the Team Members and to come To your Aid quickly when they are attacked. The Infected, in turn, try to work together in such a way that People do not reach their Destination as much as possible. This means different Tactics are used by the Infected, such as catching the last of the Group away and always the next Infected person intercepts the person who rushes to Help. Instantkills are Also very popular. These can be well run from Windows of tall Buildings or even house Roofs. If a Man is torn into the Depths by a Charm Rush here, he is immediately dead. But since many people now know these Positions, it is also important to work together as a Team. So a Smoker or Jockey can put a Survivor in the right Position for the Charger. There are no Limits to the Imagination of the attacks here! And it certainly doesn't get boring here! So If you want to rise to the Challenge, you should put this Game down quickly, but Be careful: There is an acute Risk of Addiction! (:
Fun but pointless.
«Better with friends»