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Fallout 2 review
by Андрей Рощевкин

The game is simply iconic and defines RPG genre.
«Just one more turn»
«Beaten more than once»

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classic(1 better imho)
Fallout 2 is probably what most people consider to be the peak of the series - indeed, the return to Fallout 2's general setting of the Western USA in New Vegas over a decade later is tantamount to how many people love this game. The humour is full of dated pop-culture references, the mechanics and UI are STILL awkward to get over, and the encounters range from relatively normal to... talking, intelligent Deathclaws.
Essentially just more fallout 1, which is obviously a great thing. The largest innovation lies in the story and worldbuilding, which is done quite well here. As the sophomore entry in the series, F2 depicts a vastly different wasteland than its predecessor. Rather than a rehash of the same entities, time has manipulated the landscape and people to provide an entirely new environment to traverse. Seeing how the ideologies and groups from the first game have interacted and turned out greatly adds to the intrigue, which is why I find this entry even more enjoyable.
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Microsoft from French
Recently reinstalled on steam and what a pleasure to find this masterpiece in high resolution... Simply the best RPG released on PC with Planescape torment. I have been playing since its release in 1998 and I still find some things I hadn't explored, situations I didn't know existed. Scripting is amazing; the hundreds (thousands, maybe) of characters all have dialogues signed Chris Avellone and have a complete and immersive background. Each of them has the same dialogues rewritten according to your basic skills and characteristics (playing a character with 1 intelligence is a unique experience...) The universe is adult, unhealthy, brutal and totally quirky, with a constant touch of acid humor typical of Black Isle & interplay Studios. Freedom of action is total, unsurpassed until today. Count several hundred hours to "curl" the game, with a factor of replayability always present. Negative points, the graphics have obviously aged (although the high resolution of this version gives a noticeable young shot), the turn by turn can cool some and the game is difficult. The first hours of play will totally throw you out of your comfort zone and confront you with a brutal world, in which you will have to impose yourself step by step, gently, dangerously. Give a chance to the first few hours of play and you'll live one of the most memorable video experiences imaginable.
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Microsoft from French
Fallout 2: A post nuclear role playing game [favorite] I like-it must be twice as vast as its predecessor. -A superb story, full of humor and endeant characters. -Very mature themes, well-greasy humor and sexual references. Who said the post-APO was supposed to be clean? -A total freedom of action, you want to be a hero with a big heart? No faith, no laws? Or between the two? -Retro sci-fi atmosphere dear to the world of fallout. -Repair a car and go on an adventure with. -A bestiary of nightmare mutants...-... and the "exotic" arsenal to take care of it! -And the only RPG to my knowledge where I can become a sex actor lol. I do not like-many more references pulps or popular than in Fo1, I do not mind but it is true that it reaches a little the credibility of the story. -A poorly balanced economy, it is quite easy to make money but it is a real ordeal to buy material, often the stocks of merchants are more or less random and it makes it difficult to acquire the most rare ammunition of the game. -Ecoherences when to certain weapons or armor that are available only late in the game while the player has already found better. Like the leather jacket with two sleeves or the Minigun Vindicator that was tenditbly nerfe during the development of the game. Or the XL70E3 which is only used by a single non-aggressive NPC. -Bethesda could develop a remaster or remake of what is one of the greatest classics of the RPG. But... Not. Info for more fun, try the Killap restoration project. A titanic work has been done to correct bugs, to restate places, quetes and NPCs cut during development. This makes it possible to finally visit the EPA, the Chinese submarine, the monastery and I go. Hat the Modder!
This game might have a better looking, younger sibling but it's still a more complex, fulfilling experience.

More skills, more weapons, more locations. No broken scripts.
More dialogue, more easter eggs, more concequences. No BS base building mechanics to fill the world.

In what other game a 10-year old can hurt your 1 INT protagonists' feelings? The game then allows you to get back at the child by saying that he/she is not invited to a CAKE party!

Thanks for the experience, Interplay!
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