Deus Ex 2: Invisible War reviews

Terrible piece of garbage. It's a disservice to the saga after the master piece of Deus EX. It's buggy, ugly, boring and nonsensical. A mess of a game and an absolute failure.
«Waste of time»
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The Game is quite neat in part, but has a few Flaws that can spoil the Fun. It is a good Mix of RPG and FPS, Missions and Side Tasks usually not very difficult. The Graphics are a bit dusted in according to age but fine. You can save at any time, which makes me happy. This Control is fine, the Keyboard Occupancy can be adjusted. Even Controller is possible, even if you won't accommodate everything (I played with Keyboard and Mouse). The Dialogues start automatically when you enter an area and there are already some Dialogues. So more of an RPG than an FPS or Stealth. In any Case, I get out of the flow of the Game every time. I wish the Dialogues wouldn't start until I want to, as with the Disks you can read but don't have to. You can only Skip the Dialogues in part. But all right, I can blurted that out. You also learn a lot about the Story. You probably have to decide whether you work for religious Fanatics or an exploitative World Conglomerate. Well, great Choice. There are not only Weapons, but also Biomodifications that can be leveled up. She didn't bring me much in the parr Hours. The Cameras still spotted me. Maybe I missed something there. What are the Problems? Why did the Fun pass me (unfortunately, because it wasn't so bad)? The Main Problem for me was that there was no Card where I could look up where to do my Job. For example, a Quest Is called "Go to Mr. X and do so." Hmh, where's Mr. X? So I can wander around and look out for Mr. X ... But then there is a Loading Screen every 20 Meters, the Game messes up my Destop icons and makes me wait 10 Seconds. Since it happens so often, it annoys when you don't know exactly where to go. It wasn't until the Course of the Game that I realised (otherwise things might have gone better) that Ammunition is pretty rare. I threw the Knife away before because my Inventory was full. Then I had eternally great Weapons, but no more Ammunition. That's when I stood and I didn't get any further. The Dealer also had no Ammunition, so it was off. By the way, I don't think the Game favors stealth, rather the Knife. Because often people are supposed to be killed or get in the Way in such a way that there is hardly anything else left. So I could start over and do better this time. But to that, the Game just wasn't entertaining enough. The Map and the Overview are still missing and the Loading Screens are still there. And really exciting were the Missions, although quite different, not really. Maybe at some point I still Feel like tackling it again (better), but the Incentive is not very high from today's Point of view, with so many good Titles. A few Times the Game crashed me as well. Doesn't make it any better either. Pro & Contra: + The Game is OK (If you know what to look out for)-No overview map-So not many Hints About where to do what-Many Charging Screens rating: 06/10 (neutral), 04/10 (personal) For Fans of this Genre, even with less Comfort Getting along, the Game is already fine. But really great I didn't think it (anymore). Recommendation? Personally, I can't recommend it as I didn't enjoy it enough.