Rabbit Die-fense

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Once upon a time, there was a magical forest teeming with life and fluffy, friendly animals. Everything was nice and everyone was happy. But on one horrible day, a pack of equally fluffy yet infinitely hungry wolves invaded the forest. There seemed to be no end to their numbers and everything seemed desperate. In the face of impending doom, the friendly animals of the forest discovered the power of the dice and united their forces to stall for as long as they could in order to protect the most vulnerable of their fuzzy friends : the rabbits.

You are Jumpy McFluffyEars, a rabbit general tasked with overseeing the defense of the forest in its last days of peace. You will take turns deploying your animal friends on the map and supplying them with juicy, energy-packed berries in order the repel the invasion.

Game structure :
At the beginning of a turn, you will gather eggs and berries into your supply according to the roll of your two ever-trusty dice. You can spend your eggs to send an animal friend in the forest to fight for the cause ; just select the animal you want to deploy and click on the square where you think they’ll be best suited to fight with all their flocculent might. Here is the list of friends you can recruit :

  • Squirrels (1 egg) : They fiercely throw an acorn in front of them with unlimited range.
  • Turtles (1 egg) : They do not attack but due to their thick shell they are sturdier than other friends and shield themselves when activated.
  • Snakes (2 eggs) : They spit icky, burning, wolf-piercing venom with a range of three squares.
  • Spiders (2 eggs) : They use their many rattly legs to give warm, deadly hugs to the wolfy in front of them. What's more, they shoot sticky webs in every other square adjacent to them (so not in front of them, coz' that would be broken).
  • Birds (2 eggs) : They flap their mighty, feathery wings to repel the enemies in the three squares in front of them (in a vertical pattern). Every wolf that bumps into something is dealt damage.
  • Hedgehogs (4 eggs) : They send their stingy prickles in the same pattern than the birds. After being activated, thay also damage attacking wolves. They also love their mommies very much.

To attack with a friend, click on any of them you placed in the forest. Every attack costs one berry and a friend cannot attack more than once each turn.

If you hug a big bad wolf lovingly enough, their health bar will drop to 0 and your dice upgrade bar will fill up (and you will score some points, bragging rights and all that). Once your dice upgrade bar is completely filled, you will be able to get new sides for your dice, so you can get more eggs, berries and dice upgrade points for the upcoming turns. Important note : should your dice upgrade bar fill up after the roll of the dice, you will have to wait until your next turn to upgrade your dice. Oh oh.

Once you’ve done everything you wanted during your turn, click on Next Turn to, well, go on to your next turn…

LOLNOPE !!! It’s Wolf Time, bunnies ! Every wolf moves one square to the left and gnaw on every friend they come in contact with, dealing a damage and basically stomping them where they stand. Should the friend heroically not die at the hands of the toothy canine, the big bad will not move past them. Yet.

There are three types of wolves :

  • Basic wolves : They move one square at a time. They basic.
  • Stylish wolves : They wear sneakers and sport a headband. The power of style allow them to move (or attack) twice each turn.
  • Armored wolves : Thanks to their helmet and knee pads, they will endure friendly loving hugs for longer before getting rekt, and they hit your more tanky friend a bit harder.

End of the game :
Your story ends when any one of your rabbit buddies gets munched on. Every animal in the forest then commits mass suicide in the face of such a despicable act, and your score is displayed. Game over.

BUT WAIT ! Should you want to try again to see whether you have the mettle to down more wolves, I reckon there's a button called F5 on your computer. I suggest you give it a squeeze.

In any case, thanks for playing and happy grinding until you get a score over 9000.

Credits :
Art - Lily (kirupacana)
Game algorithm - imj
Pretty much every single thing else in the code - viri
This artwork of a text - BowserHugs

Known issues : health bar of wolves in the top line not showing (they're too high)

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jul 19, 2022

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