rain™ is the enchanting tale of a boy who embarks on a journey to save an invisible girl from ghostly creatures. Upon entering the world he discovers that he has also become invisible and must learn to navigate through the unknown, using the rain to guide and protect him.Key Features:• Unique Puzzles - Control an invisible boy who can only be seen in the rain. Use the surrounding environment to create cover or distract enemies.• A Fully Immersive Experience - Picture book art style, speechless narrative, expressive sounds of rain, and atmospheric music all combine to truly immerse players in the world of rain™.
Software subject to license (us.playstation.com/softwarelicense). Online activity subject to Terms of Services and User Agreement (www.playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service). One time license fee entitles play on up to 2 PlayStation® 3 systems activated by this account.