Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
It is not unknown that Civ III is one of the absolute Classics, so I, even before team, have sunk infinite Hours into the game, and now like to do so again and again. Every now and then you get confused with the single-cell rules within those of the additional contents, but also between the individual versions of CIV, which are all well aged, a bit. But that is easy to make up for and tickles out a little more tension;) Great game
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Microsoft from French
Product received for free obtained free via humble bundle, I was happy to discover this game, but...-game full in English, impossible to find a patch for this version. -Not possible to display the game in 1080P. -Hard launch, require to go through a Windows XP compatibility mode (SP3). This game is probably great, but it is so full, that if your level of English is not high (this is my case), you will not be bitting big thing:-/ If you are an English speaker, do not go your way!!!
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Microsoft from French
Product received for free will you win by military domination? Will you win through scientific development or a cultural victory? Will you win by political intrigue? You decide! The game offers a very large map and this, to extend us freely and as we like. While the graphics are not at the top, from his age, when compared to the modern games of the same type, we notice that this is an excellent game for those who want to focus on the global campaign instead of individual battles or graphics. This game was definitely a heroic victory for SID Meyers. The biggest problem with the game is the lack of a dedicated online community.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free When is a Game good? If you still have the Keyboard Shortcuts in your Head after more than 15 Years! Certainly the Graphics are out of date by today's Scale, but that's why CIV never did. CIV plays out to a large Extent in the Head. The Map is more a schematic Representation of the Civilization, The State of development and the World Empire that has been created. Living Properly starts CIV in your own Pear. Nothing has ever changed in The Gameplay: Draw Settlers, build City, build Troops, conquer the World. Once you understand the basic Mechanics, CIV quickly mutates INTO a Grand Strategy Game with a crazy Depth of play. The technology tree is huge, and you can take your People from the Stone Age to the Nuclear Age. The built-in "Civilopedia" and a short Tutorial answer the most questions and make it easier to Get started. CIV is addictive and is a typical "just one More move" game. Flicked Through nights included. Runs also In high Resolutions when inserted in the conquests.ini "KeepReseholOr 1" below. The Game is in English.