Stranded Deep reviews

There are very few animal species. Craftable items are also very few. Many items are very useless. It looks like the game hasn't finished yet.
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Early Access Review Stranded Deep, where should I start there. Stranded Deep is an Early Access survival game (at the Time of this Review). It offers a large Game world, but for the Player only a relatively small Area of Influence (more on that later). The Game is set in the First Person view. We can Run (WASD), Jump (Space) and Interact (E hold or Press). First of all, to the Story: In Stranded Deep, we are thrown into a Plane Crash Right at the Beginning. We don't have much Consideration Time, but have to swim right out of the sinking Wreck. Then it's about naked Survival. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, only with a Raft and a Rudder, we have to save ourselves to a closer Island, where for the first Time we really become aware of our Situation. Luckily, the Game here doesn't leave us alone. A small Tutorial Shows us how to look into the Inventory to build equipment and provide ourselves with the vital Things, such as Water, Food and Sleep. As Luck would have, our Character, a small Smartwatch on his wrist, informs us of his current Condition. Now to the Content: After the little Tutorial, we have to run ourselves. We explore the Island and merit on it. From a Moment then, we lack certain Resources and set off with our Raft to discover new Islands and get new Resources for Tools, House construction and Farming. I had mentioned a small Area of Influence in the Introduction. The Islands are quite small compared to the Water Route and there are only a few Exceptions. Thus, in the big World, we only have small Places that we use for our Purposes. Since we don't want to Sail Back and forth for Hours, we stay in an Area, from maybe 5-15 Islands. But that's what it's already. This is just a survival game. It's all about surviving. Still, the Game lacks a certain Thing that exists in comparable Games like ARK. There is simply a lack of Variety. In the Beginning everything is new, we can Explore and must Survive. There is a Voltage curve that just drops off from a certain Point in the Game, which unfortunately comes very quickly. We found an Island to settle down, built a House and made a basic Supply of Food and Safety. From this Point on, we simply no longer need to explore other Islands and move away from this safe Place. The Islands are mostly similar. Here and there are Wrecks or other Things to discover. Only if the Challenge is missing is the Drive to seek new Islands. You have a few Islands near its Main Island and row or sail back and forth to mine more Wood, Stone and the Like For the Improvement of your Island. It is Nice, though, that there are several Modes. Depending on the Player, you can place more Emphasis on Building or full Survival reconciliation. An Editor is also on Board, where we can design our own Islands according to our Wishes and thus build our own perfect little world. Other Games, such as ARK, still offer more here. The Player discovers Places that stand out clearly from the previous ones. Ever new Challenges, E.g. from tougher Dinosaurs or other and more difficult Living Conditions. There is a lot To discover and the Player has to adapt to the new Circumstances. Unfortunately, however, this does not exist in Strand's Deep. But what is not can still become. Since the Game is still in early Access, I'm excited to see what's to come. Verdict: I can recommend the Game, for anyone looking for a pure survival game by not making it Zombies, Dinosaurs or other Horror shapes, life difficult. However, one should be concerned about the small Variety. But those who are not deterred by this, we don't miss the €15 that the Game costs. You can Look Forward to upcoming Updates and related Improvements. I have no regrets about Buying as I recognise the Development and look forward to new Content. Nevertheless, I will take the Game to One side. Who is still on Numbers: 6/10 Points. Note that this is my subjective Opinion. It is therefore Best to compare with other Reviews or watch a Let's Play, the Game.