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Ghostwire: Tokyo review
by xever

Well, this game creates a wonderful Tokyo that I just liked being in. The fight system is a bit simple and repetitive, but I played this game mostly to explore for Tokyo/Japan atmosphere and for some story/interesting side quests.

Other reviews7

Besides the bad optimization, GhostWire fails in its most important element: gameplay. It feels clumsy, unresponsive, and boring. If you're saturated with open-world games, this game is not for you, as there's nothing new or truly great about it.
GhostWire Tokyo captivates with its visually striking and engaging supernatural experience. While not groundbreaking in story or gameplay, its appeal lies in flashy aesthetics, excellent music, and a compelling ambiance. While it may not revolutionize the gaming industry, the beauty, graphics, and ghostly soundtrack create an alluring and mysterious atmosphere. For those seeking quality supernatural entertainment, GhostWire Tokyo is undoubtedly worth the experience.
«Sit back and relax»
«OST on repeat»
This one of those games that was bombed and panned by players and critics alike on release and I can't really figure out why. It doesn't play the best combat-wise, which is important. It has some wild floatiness to the aiming but with some tweaking I was able to make it manageable. Overall I think it's a great game. The story is good, nothing crazy but I love all the Japanese folklore and designs of the enemies. The relationship between KK and Akito is good, always like to see two characters that despise each other grow to be friends. I started off with Japanese VO but swapped over to the dub which was surprisingly good. At first I thought it was going to be cheesy but ended up working pretty well. I think the scope of the game could've been reigned in a bit as the map can get clustered pretty fast. There are some really good side quests, a few added with the newest update that also added the rougelike mode. I especially enjoyed the haunted school quest, had good pacing and creep factor. I'll also add that this was a Plus game so had I paid full price it might have been different but I think there is a lot on offer to justify a full purchase. Definitely a recommendation if you like Japanese culture and over the top action. 
A game with potential but held back with the most generic ubisoft open world formula. The concept of the game is really good but falls short when you start playing it and reach mid game or even sooner. You get to do the same things collecting souls, clearing areas and doing some side quest which most of them are passable and very few are actually good (the ones which are related to japanese legends).
«Oh God i managed it»
Pretty awesome game with a good combat that can get repetitive. The gameplay and story is exceptional, however the 100% it's dreadful, just cleaning the map with repetitive tasks
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Ghostwire: Tokyo is one of the games that did not get too much of fame but is really good. this game is one of the few that i am completing to 100%. graphics are really good. gameplay is fun and i am also liking the story.
«Blew my mind»