This is RAWG

RAWG is a video game discovery site. The most comprehensive database that is powered by personal player experiences.

Track what you played

You can have infinite games in your favourites, doesn’t matter which device or type of game.

Browse all your games in one unified profile

The more complete your pofile, the better it reflects your taste. Start by marking the games you have beaten in the past and select the ones that you will play in the future. Easily search and filter among your library.

Create and share collections

Compile and share collections: your personal goty titles, organize games by theme, make a list of great co-op games to play with friends, games with great writing, plot twists or whatever comes to your mind. You can get suggestions from other members and discover the games you missed.

Find and save new games to play

Browse the selection of new and upcoming games for each platform on the main page. If you are signed in, you’ll also see personal recommendations based on the games in your profile. Treat the main page as your personal video games showcase. Found something new and interesting? Add it to your profile to check back later.