#1: Breakout but it's a Boss Fight.
Hi welcome to the first project page of The Game Blenders! Check out our Introduction video if you are interested in knowing who we are and what this page is.
In Summary you can send us all kinds of weird ideas, pictures, words, mechanics and we will combine them all into something coherent. Or well at least we shall try!
There will be deadline of two weeks for every project, after that we will post it here just like this page right now. We will then spend another two weeks polishing the same game with your feedback!
-You can post your suggestions here in the comments.
-At our discord: https://discord.gg/57fUnRj
-And on our twitter: https://twitter.com/TheGameBlenders
Know issues with this build, sorry for the inconvenience!
-The ball will sometimes get stuck in a straight line with no way of going back to the paddle.