1 (DarkPhlox)

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First Game Jam ever, woop woop!

Only one:

The lonely single integer, one, has been pinned to the wall of dark matter. The only way to free 1, is by using 1's own mass as a centrifugal force. 1's only ability is to repel or attract its mass to and from the wall.  If 1 is not careful, the wall of dark matter can engulf the integer in one fell swoop.

There is currently no ending to this game as it is endless and becomes increasingly harder to progress.  The point system is in π, a half rotation (180 degrees). The current record is 138π, Do you have what it takes to beat the highscore? For confirmation, post a comment with an attacted image of the score screen. 


R - Reset

Esc - Close game

Any other key - Repel/Attract

Technical details:

I have done a lot of protoyping in Processing 3, as the game was developed in. However, one of the motivations for the creation of this game was the exprimentation with sound. As I have never really used Processings Sound Library. I have most reacently become facinated by what music can do to enhance visual content. With the main contender being Hans Zimmer's score for Dunkirk. Where the use of Shepard Tone can make the movie expirence so much more intense, just by the use of audio. So I sat out to implement the Shepard Tone this for the simple game concept, trying to give the sense of endlessness, eternity, struggle and dispair.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

1 (DarkPhlox) screenshot, image №2118348 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Aug 6, 2019

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