1 Sense Cooking
This is a cooking game where you are restricted to using Only One of your 5 senses at a time to try to cook up a delicious meal and serve it up. It's still on an early stage and the hearing sense isn't programmed in yet.
The 5 sense are :
- Sight, allows you to see
- Touch , allows you to hold and throw stuff
- Hearing, allows you to hear sounds
- Smell, allows you to smell objects
- Taste, allows you to taste objects.
By cycling through these 5 senses you must fumble your way through the ingredients and follow the recipe and cook this soon to be marvelous chicken dinner.
- WSAD keys - movement
- Number 1 key - sight sense
- Number 2 key - hearing sense
- Number 3 key - touch sense
- Number 4 key - taste sense
- Number 5 key - smell sense
- Mouse - Camera movement
- Left mouse click - interact (differs from sense to sense)
- Right mouse click - use action (only for spices at the moment)
- R key - Recipe
- Left Ctrl key - Crouch
A Game made for GMTK game jam 2019 with the theme ONLY ONE
Team 3rd floor party room:
Programmers: Boon Kerk Zhan and Ng Et-jing
Artist: Tan Zuen Hao and Chan Kok Foong
Designer: Chua Yu Jia