10 creative commons spot illustrations
These 10 spot illustrations have a gothic and industrial theme. To accomplish this look I;
- Paint and photograph some watercolour textures
- Find creative commons images (wikimedia commons is an excellent resource for this)
- Crop them out carefully using the eraser in photoshop
- Overlay parts of the watercolour paintings onto the cropped images, using a blending mode
- Paint in a fuzzy background using the same watercolour texture, make it 50% transparent.
And voila! I'm happy to answer any questions you have, if you want to replicate the style and make some spot illustrations of your own. Just drop me an email or send me a message! I've also included the same 10 images without backgrounds, if you want to use them that way. All images are in .PNG format as they have significant transparency.
These images are free for you to use, all that I ask for is attribution like acknowledgement in your back-pages or a shout-out on your social media.