10 Seconds of Joy
"Stuff your eyes with wonder . . . live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds." - Ray Bradbury
Spread joy and optimism in an otherwise gray and pessimistic population. Once a person becomes an optimist, he or she has 10 seconds left to live. Live life to the fullest; spread your happiness. Your karma increases for each person's life you change.
Created in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 27 Jam. The theme was "10 Seconds". We ended up placing:
#19 Audio #32 Overall #38 Innovation #39 Fun #50 ThemeInstructions
Use your mouse to click a person to infect them with happiness. Hold and drag them into other people to spread the joy. Once infected, the people will only have 10 seconds of life. Try to spread the joy to as many people as you can before they all die out.
Vu Ha - Code
Rose Peng - Art
Johan Soriao - Audio