10SFT2LF Eating Contest
In my Idiocy, I completely forgot about Ludum Dare this weekend, so when I got the theme announcement email after I got home from work, I was a bit shocked. But never the less, here is 10SFT2LF EATING CONTEST!!!! I spent around 12 hours total on this, and had I not slept in, there would be sound.
EATING CONTEST is a 2-player game, where the goal is to be fatter than your opponent in each round. The first player to score 2 wins is the winner. But you'll need to be careful, as you only have limited food which carries through the rounds.
Player 1: W - Vomit
S - Eat
Player 2: UP - Eat
DOWN - Vomit
Made for LUDUM DARE #34 in only 12 hours
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019
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