12 Days to Spring
A game made for the 2020 Unreal Spring by Electrum Labs.
Team Members: Brian Bui, Anh Huynh, Randy Le, and Sthefon Tran
As the Ice Queen’s dominion grows stronger, a cure to her blight has been found. A single plant, serving as a panacea. You have finally acquired this plant, only to learn that it does not bloom in the winter.
You must protect the plant and yourself, in the 12 days to spring.
----- Gameplay Trailer -----
----- Gameplay Instructions -----
W, A, S, D: Movement
F: Crafting Menu
Q and E: Rotating items before placing (while crafting)
E: Interact with doors and fireplaces
1: Switch to Bow
2: Switch to Hatchet
3: Switch to Torch
Left Mouse Button to Attack/Swing
Zombies can only be damaged with fire and barricades.
----- Resources Used -----
Quixel Bridge (meshes: wood planks, wood logs, fireplace, torch, hatchet, flower, debris, rocks, surface materials)
Mixamo (animations and skeletons for zombies and player character)
Tree It (trees)
Roboto (default UE4 font)
Unreal Engine 4 (4.25)
Adobe Photoshop