1_Twin-Stick Shooter
This top-down shooter was made during 1st week of 3WA Unity Training Course and inspired from the very famous hacking mini-game from Nier Automata :
- Goal : Destroy the maximum of enemies
- Controls : Keyboard
- Move : W (Up) A (Left) S (Down) D (Right)
- Rotate : Arrow Keys
- Shoot : Space
- Topics studied :
- 3D Project
- Unity Editor Interface
- Hierarchy
- Inspector
- Project
- Scene view
- Game view
- Console
- Package Manager
- Project Settings
- Preferences
- GameObjects
- gameObject.SetActive(bool)
- GameObject.Find("GameObjectName")
- GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TagName")
- Components
- Transform
- Vector2 & Vector3
- Rigidbody
- GetComponent<Type>()
- Assets (Materials, Prefabs, Scenes, Scripts)
- Introduction toAssets Store
- Introduction to Probuilder
- Script and Unity Life Cycle
- Basics of C#
- InputManager Configuration
- Input.GetAxis()
- Input.GetButtonDown()
- Quaternions used for rotation
- Quaternion.LookRotation() : creates the rotation according to a Vector3 pointed to the direction
- Rigidbody.MoveRotation() : rotates using the result of LookRotation()
- Instanciate/Destroy of a GameObject or Prefab
- Collision detection
- OnCollisionEnter()
- OnTriggerEnter()
- Project Settings -> Physics -> Layer Collision Matrix
- Time class
- Time.time : since app started
- Time.deltaTime : time elapsed since last frame (Update())
- Time.fixedDeltaTime : time elapsed since last frame (FixedUpdate())
- Time.timeSinceLevelLoaded : since scene started
- ScriptableObjects
- Build and Publish game
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: May 2, 2022
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