2 Pac Man
2pac Man wants to make a record with all the rappers he can find, let´s help our homie, 9 open levels with 16 MC´s and 10 hidden fruits, preatty easy and funny. Unlock a lot of medalls for your collection Use arrows to move and jump press ESC to go back from any level to Menu Press R to restart a level
if you left a rapper behind a small signal will appear on the corner of the PacCheck after winning a level If you win a fruit an icon will appear over level check on menu by selecting "Fruits"
if you need halp finding all the fruits and hidden rappers check this link http://munguiavideojuegos.blogspot.com/2016/02/2pac-man-full-version-flash.html
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 2, 2019
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