2D RPG Demo

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I don't have a name for this game yet as it started as a project to learn unity, and ended up being a way to learn game design as well. There is still a lot I want to add eventually, but this is the current demo showing off the combat as that is what I spent the most time on.

I want the game to have satisfying and engaging combat. Besides adding a small amount of screen shake on heavy or critical hits, I also freeze time for a fraction of a second on successful hits.

I made a few placeholder assets using particle systems for the hit effects, and small explosions. I also modified some of the character assets to repurpose them.

Normal (original) Attack animation with and without hits:

Heavy Attack (I slowed down the animation, duplicated slashes, and extended the visual range as well)

Shield Bash was originally a stationary Block animation, but I didn't like how blocking played out in combat. 

I used the first part of the Block animation then ended the animation after dashing forward  to get a Shield Bash. 

Certain enemies have an outline to indicate when they can't be stunned, and are not affected by stuns. 

Assets Used

Hero Knight - Sven Thole 

Bandits - Sven Thole

Medieval Warrior - Luiz Melo 

Pixel Art Forest - Eder

Pixel Font - Thaleah

Village Props - Cainos (Scarecrow/Campfire)

Pixel Art Icon Pack - Cainos (Potion)

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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System requirements for Linux

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jun 18, 2021

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