2D Shooter (haoyu_68)
This is my 2D Shooter Project.
Add multiple additional levels and tie them in to create a logical progression in your game. The game now consists of three levels. Level1 is as in the Tutorial, Level2 has more enemy and more enemy to defeats to complete the level. Level 3 has enemy spawners and has more nemey to defeat to complete the level.
Add additional significant and coherent graphical elements to the game, such as new enemies or environmental challenges, complete with animated states: ( Instruction button provides instruvtions on how to play control the player. Level3 has snemy spawner instead of fixed amount of enemies. Level3 has black holes, space stations and visible planets for graphical elements. )
- Add new player abilities, such as modified controls, additional moves, or additional power ups.(In level3, the player's speed and rotational speed is lowered, the number of lives is increased to 4.)
Created by Haoyu