2D shooter (Last Stand)
Significant Modifications are as follows:
- Coherent story connected levels with monologues for every level, AI generated voice and backdrops. level1 is clearing the settlement, level2 is getting weapon to clear the outside settlement zombies, level3 is defeating hordes using weapon acquired in level 2.
- Complete overhaul of the game, player sprite and animations, enemy sprite and animations, skins, music, backdrops, sound effects etc. from 2d space shooter to 2D Zombie shooter.
- Multiple New scripts:
- Random spawner (level3): spawn enemies at random interval with different initial delay.
- Gun pickup (Level2): weapon bouncing up and down (sin wave) to be picked up by user.
- Audio Script: Pause game until the monologue/instructions at level beginning finish.
- 2 enemy scripts: Zombie that runs towards player or shoot towards player. level clear logic is shifted to these scripts.
Credits by:
Samih Beydoun