3-hour prototype - Market Share
You're an attendant in a bustling but confusingly laid-out fruit market, where customers have tremendous difficulty finding the right products to buy. Direct as many customers to the right stalls in the limited opening time!
Use WASD/arrow keys to move. Press Escape to pause. When close to a customer (indicated by an arrow), press Space to signal them so they follow you to the stall. Move to the correct stall to finish processing the customer, so you can select a new one. Process as many customers as you can before time runs out!
This game was made by two people in a very quick 3-hour game jam, with the theme of 'The More You Have, The Worse You Are'. Although I don't feel we really met the theme requirements (it kinda got shunted down the priority list in favour of 'make a working game'), and we never bothered testing the Mac and Linux builds, I think it came together nicely enough,
Programming, game assembly: Marcus Mouyat (me).
Art: Mohamed 'Nour' Hajar. Here's his ArtStation page.