3 Second Delivery
If you dislike the screenshake, you can disable it in the menu! There is also a practice mode in the menu!
You've been tasked with delivering a very dangerous parcel- a rare mineral that needs to be constantly cooled (with ice) to keep it stable!
This game was made in 72 hours for Mini Jam 126. I cannot promise it will be bug-free.
It is also a difficult game (I think). In the menu, there's an option to disable the timer to make it easier for those who struggle.
"A" or Left Arrow Key - Move Left. (Left Stick/D-Pad on controller)
"D" or Right Arrow Key - Move Right. (Also Left Stick/D-Pad on controller)
"J" or Spacebar - Jump. (A on controller)
Explosion (sprites) - https://opengameart.org/content/pixel-explosion-12-frames
Explosion (sound) - https://opengameart.org/content/single-and-multi-explosion
Confetti - https://opengameart.org/content/confetti-effect-spritesheet
Music - 【フリーBGM】Final Phase【緊迫・爽快・ラスト】- Ucchii0-うっちーぜろ- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ6-b1wb7-Y
Everything else by me :)