3 Valve Tuba Simulator
I attempted to make an accurate simulation of playing a tuba for untitled game jam #30. The aim was to have a rhythm game with controls accurate to actually playing a 3 valve tuba. I both ran out of time and realized that this concept wasn't fun. What remains is the controls for the hypothetical game.
The lines on screen indicate the stave lines of sheet music, however due to the tubas range there are more than 5. The colour of the lines indicates what pitch (at the top of the screen) should be used to blow notes in it. A guide for what button combinations produce what notes can be found at http://www.bandworld.org/html/Taming_Files/Taming_the_Tuba/Fingering_Patterns.html .
ASD push down the different valves
Space-bar blows air into the instrument, producing a note if the correct combinations are held, or nothing if they aren't
Arrow keys shift the pitch of the air being blown up or down.
All sounds made using https://beepbox.co/