34DOOM - La 34ème DOOMension
This game is a GZDoom total conversion that includes sillyness, memes, known worlds to explore and many more stuff!
- 3 player characters with their own stats and superpowers!
- New weapons, new monsters, new powerups, some from old games, some that are pure craziness!
- Levels based on fictional locations!
- Duke-Nukem-3D-like togglable taunting system!
- Puzzles and quests!
- Boss fights!
- Creepypasta and meme entitites!
- Multiplayer capable!
- Multilingual!
- A complete installer will be added to have the game playable out-of-the-box!
More info on the wiki! (french only for now but english translation possible. Ask me if you want to contribute to the translation of the wiki and/or the game!)
- GZDoom 4.6.0 or higher
- doom2.wad or freedoom2.wad