3,720 to 1
Someone is stranded in an alien ship in an asteroid field, and it's your job to help them get back to civilization. Luckily, you have everything you need: the spaceship manual, a map of the area, and an alien translation book. Take care however, one wrong move could send you into a fiery collision with an asteroid!
If you fail and choose to retry, note that the ship may start in a different position.
This game was made for the Extra Credits 2020 Game Jame in 72 hours. This is my first game jam.
Take Care:
In this game, you take care of someone stuck in an asteroid field by guiding them to safety. You also must take care not to give any incorrect directions.
Extra Translation:
The ship's controls are in an alien language, which you must translate to use.
Extra Retro:
The game uses only the red, green, yellow, and black from the original CGA. There may be places where anti aliasing created other colors, but I did by best to prevent this.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com