4-Plant PvZ Clone Test (Night)

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You know the drill, all assets are from Popcap / EA, I do not wish to claim them as my own and this is only made for non-profit purposes.

MAIN EDIT: The puffshroom bugs seem to be gone for now. The following edits happened before I fixed the problem.

EDIT: I reworked a bug which caused only one Puffshroom in line to attack. Sadly I couldn't stop Puffshrooms to attack when there's a zombie behind them. However, as I only wanted the Puffshrooms to attack zombies that are up to 3 blocks forward, I put it so a Puffshroom spore destroys after reaching the 3rd block.

EDIT 2: I messed up the code and now the updates won't work. Can't figure out the reason for now so this might be the last version for a very long time. I promise I will try my best to fix it.

So, EA didn't take out my last PvZ related project, so why not try another one? I'll try not to surpass their limits but I really wanted to try out another version of this.

So yeah, you now got the Sunshroom, the Puffshroom, the Iceshroom and the Grave Buster. I may change the zombies to newer ones (I was thinking football and newspaper maybe) but for now they're the same as the old version.

I also added a grave rising mechanic as it happened in night levels. It's kinda different but I tried making everything the most accurately possible as it was in the og game.

If you found this project but want the day version with the Sunflower, Peashooter, Wall-nut and Potato Mine, here it is: 


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4-Plant PvZ Clone Test (Night) screenshot, image №3108750 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Nov 12, 2021

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