5 Steps From Home - Step 3
This game was created over a week for a collaboration challenge with 4 other You Tube Game devs.
- Step 1 was made by Xanderwood
- Step 2 was made by BLANKdev
- Step 3 was made by Frozen Well , that's me!
-Step 4 was made by Whateep
- Step 5 was made by Marlin
The backstory is that you have to collect rocket parts to allow your escape from the planet. We all used the same player character but apart from that had no other constraints as to how the level looked.
In my level you have to fight you way to the end of the level and you will be awarded up to 3 rocket ship parts based on the score you achieve.
W - Up
A- Left
D - Right
S - Down
Ctrl - Fire
Points targets
1000pts = 1 Ship Part
3000pts = 2 ship parts
4500pts = all 3 ship parts