60FPS Kitten
I dare you to complete this difficult patience-action game where you're a kitten that moves at 60FPS!
How far can you get before you give up in despair?
- Confirm (in Menus): Space.
- Cancel (in Menus): Escape.
- Move: Arrow Keys or WASD.
- Jump: Up Arrow, W or Space.
- Super Spin: Down Arrow or S.
- Exit Level: Escape.
- Reset Level: R.
- Set Restart Point (in Level Select mode only): Page Up.
- Skip Level (outside of Level Select mode): First, say the phrase "Yeah, I'll be skipping this one" out loud, then press Page Up.
The Super Spin move has various effects such as sometimes deflecting objects, reducing gravity, and letting you escape when you get stuck.
Music CreditsAll music was obtained from opengameart.org.
All music used is in the public domain (CC0 license).
Zane Little ~ Cauliflower
Tricks & Traps ~ Cutting Edge Music From The Past, Present And Future
Tricks & Traps ~ Different Reality
Sector 1: Ascend (CEMFTPPAF)
Sector 2: Glory Days (CEMFTPPAF)
Sector 3: Mental Corruption (DR)
Sector 4: Lost Utopia (CEMFTPPAF)
Sector 5: Vessel Of Eternity (CEMFTPPAF)
Sector 6: Stomper (DR)
Zane Little ~ Mom's Workout CD
Zane Little ~ Down to Business