7DRL 2022 - TilesRL
7DRL for 2022. Place tiles to create your labyrinth, try to get to the stairs down while surviving the denizens of the dungeon. Random powerups will appear throughout the world that you can build your dungeon towards.
You get 2 moves per turn, place a tile, move, attack, or any combination of those three.
Good luck.
* PS - this thing has some bugs, it will crash or lock up. Play it in windowed mode.
Note: Every year I think, I'm going to keep the scope small and make a nice, polished, bite sized roguelike... and then I get a wild idea a couple days before, and I end up with this over scoped mess of a project. I think there are some enjoyable aspects to this thing, but it definitely needs a day 1 patch. And a day 2 patch.
Probably a day 3 patch too...