A Bug's Roots
キャラクターの名前:name of characters
- モグモグ(mogumogu):normal
- バクバク(bakubaku):stronger and eat a lot more than ‘mogumogu’
- トゲトゲ(togetoge):it has spikes and can pop water bubbles
- ドカン(dokan):explodes on contact with anything
お腹がすいたなあ… よし、根っこをくぐって、外に出よう!
Call me Mogumogu. I woke up here, underground, in the dark. It looks like I'm under the roots of a tree.
I sure could use something to eat… I bet there's something on the other side of those roots!
Left/Right Arrow Keys - Rotate Caterpillar
Space: Launch Caterpillar
Left Shift (Hold) - Rotate Faster
Mouse Click - Navigate Menu Buttons
Art - Playfool
Design / Management - polm23
Story / Design - eiko-hira
Music & Sound - t_macco
Programming / Design - KoalaSymphony