A Cafe in Baerhaven

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Welcome to the cafe!

This game is made in RPGmakerMZ, and in it, you play a cafe owner looking to get closer with some of your patrons. 

To move, use the arrow keys, or click the tile where you would like to go. 

To interact with an object or character, click on the object or character in question.

At all shops, interact with the shopkeeper to purchase goods. The only ingredient you can get while inside the safe is water, and while others might not be found at shops, you'll have to look around to see what you can find outside.

To cook, click on the oven which you use to make that particular recipe. There are three ovens - one in the main kitchen and two in the backrooms. 

Be mindful of your gold - without it, you might not be able to afford ingredients and the cafe will be stuck. There's some lying around the cafe when you begin, but you'll have to find it.

Outside the cafe, you can visit:

- Baerhaven Town Square

- Alexander's General Goods

- the Fortune Teller's tent

- the Not-So-Secret Forest and Semi-Hidden Grotto

- Allen, the blacksmith's workshop

Characters will have different things to say if you should run into them outside the cafe!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

A Cafe in Baerhaven screenshot, image №3668456 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Nov 28, 2022

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