A Sinking Feeling (rpgwaker)
A Sinking Feeling
Move: A,D
Jump: Space
Switch Character: Tab
Action: E
Pause Esc
Pressure builds as you dive deeper, and on top of that there are enemy torpedoes and traps to watch out for?! What’s this trio of master submariners to do? Organize your crew to stave of an untimely demise, and see how far into the depths you can venture.
Each task station performs a different task:
Main Power: If your sub loses power, you won’t be able to perform any other tasks.
Doors: each door has a safety override that will let you open them with E. But they will promptly close behind you.
Steering: Take control of your sub to dodge booby traps in the water
Door Controls: Use this station to open all doors permanently. Unless of course something were to happen to them…
Radar: use this to eliminate enemy torpedoes. Aim with A and D shoot with Space.
Repairs: Use this station to fix damage to your ship. But it could take a while to finish your repairs.
Art: @ID-Sketch
Music and SFX: @RafaelFSilva and @Tolke
Programming: @rpgwaker