Ace In the Hole
Entry to the Kenny Game Jam 2019 with the theme Unlikely Combinations.
This started as a what about combining golf and cards somehow. And came up with the idea that what if making better poker hands gave you more control over how you control the ball.
If I had time I would definitely do some tweaks with regards to numbers, power values for high card are probably a tad too low and the high end is probably too much. That curve should just be flatter.
All the attributes get better with better hands. If you only use a high card for direction, it'll go in the direction somewhere in that arc which more likely than not will not actually be where the arrow is pointing. Improve your accuracy by using pairs, triples or if the RNG gods like you maybe even a flush. Same thing applies to height just the variance isn't quite as dramatic.
WASD - Camera movement
QE - Camera height
Hold RMB - Mouse look