Aces of Space

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This game is just a homework, made by me  to my course. 

NOTE: This project was made to work with mouse and keyboard. Don't try to play the game in mobile devices. 


1st stage => Survive waves of enemies for 3 minutes.

2nd stage => Survive waves of enemies for 2 minutes and then defeat the 'boss' (most powerful enemy ship).


* The player can move around the screen using the W A S D or directional keys on the keyboard.
* The space bar is used to fire and the X or M keys to fire a special attack when loaded.
* The Esc key is used to access the 'pause menu'.
* As the player destroys enemy units, the chances of dropping an item that helps or strengthens it increases. Chances are reset when an item falls.
=> The items are: 'Extra Life'; 'Shield'; 'Special Attack'; 'Increase Shot Level';

* The game ends when the player completes all objectives (victory) or loses all lives (defeat). At the end, it returns to the menu.
* The game has a simple scoring and record system. The score always appears during the game and increases as the player destroys enemy units and always restarts from a new game. The record is recorded (via the PlayerPrefs class) at the end of the game if it is higher than the previous record.

The project was based in this tutorial on YouTube.

Some sprites was made by me, using Gravit Designer, other sprites,  songs  and audio FX come from tutorial above and third party free content. 

Special thanks to: 

Gabriel Barbosa - owner of 'High Level',  YouTube  channel.

Luis Zuno (@ansimuz),  by some sprites used in game.

GameSupplyGuy,  by some sprites used in game.

Paul Giblock, by the song 'AngryLlama' (used in game's intro), avaible in LMMS software as demo song.

*This game was made as non-profit.

Give me some feedback and put your best score on comments 🐱‍🏍

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Nov 6, 2020

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