Across the River Styx
This is a 2022 game Jam submission, and I flat ran outta time. It's my first one, and 10 days is oddly shorter than I thought :P Plus as you will see below,m I had a few other challenges.. but, I may do this again. Best not to ask too many questions. It started at the idea I would just use the unity 2d gamekit and make this a level design challenge - then came graphic edits, and technical hurdles, and etc.
it's not complete, I'm submitting now cause I'm off to by 2nd er visit with covid, and fighting the fuzzy brain problem. But the concept is there:) oh wait there is a 1 gig limit? how does that even work? Game jam participants, I'll work on this after I'm back, sorry for the delay ..
code to follow, gotta run to the er now
[edit] fuzzy brain misread the file size, lol.
ok, back, and upload is fixed.
more to come after the game jam concludes, I'll continue on until it's a reasonably playable version :) my hope is that it will invite speed runs as it develops.