Adventure- The Video Game
Adventure is a difficult medieval plat-former with intuitive controls that allow for experimentation. You a former member of the evil King's corrupt legion and must seek revenge on him.
The controls are all in-game.
I've worked for about 3 months on this game and it has become my largest project. I'm very proud of what I've accomplished, but I want you to leave a honest review in the comment area below! Also feel free to tell me about any bugs you encounter- I'll be happy to fix them;)
Thank you for playing! I have new game ideas and plan to get to work on them after I have some more free time...
If I have a lot of free time I may try to learn a new program to port this to the Nintendo Switch. I don't know if it will ever happen, so don't get your hopes up...
Don't worry, your adventure isn't over yet. *Cue Adventure 2 reveal* ;)