Adventurer (Reece Tarrant)
NOTE: This is my final year project, currently in it's prototypical stage, so for now it doesn't have much in the way of 3D models, custom graphics, etc.
Adventurer is a 3D First-Person Action Role-Playing Game that, as the tagline states, focuses on character progression. You can create a character, pick one of three character classes, and level-up your skills by using them in any situation that requires them.
In Adventurer, you are thrust into a world where you, the player, can talk to NPCs, buy items from NPCs, pick up quests from NPCs and get rewarded for your hard work.
Because this is a test-build, I have a Google Forms document for you to use to present your feedback to me:
WASD - Movement
Left Shift - Sprint
I - Inventory
R - Sheathe/Unsheate weapon (equip in inventory first)
F - Interact (Initate dialogue, buy/sell in bartering, equip/unequip item, consume item)
J - Access Quest Log
C - Access Character Details menu
P - Access Pause Menu