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Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
Under some very classic platformer and barely masked influences hides in adventures of PIP a concept all beast, but diably effective: you are a pixel capable of evolving.
And then, will you say? Then the Princess-borderline a bit of a bitch, which has nothing to do with a certain peach-has just been kidnapped by this Mech of Queen DeRezia, a kind of hysterical witch whose only desire is to appropriating her power; which is to create pixels from the void. And in a world where your value (and therefore your rank in society) is measured by the number of pixels that make you, needless to say that it is a big asset. Anyway, guess who we're sending to the pipe-breaker? Sorry, I'm unable to resist a crappy word game.
Okay, PIP the pixel is brave, like the whisky plumber, but he has no arms, no chocolate, no legs. I might as well tell you that it is the galley to wash your teeth and that it must stink of beak! But I'm strays. Luckily, he's going to meet the right people. In particular the ghost of a Knight (hold...) that will teach him to evolve. From 1-bit mode, let's say, PIP will then go into 8-bit mode, then later in 16-bit mode. Three distinct forms, each possessing its strengths and weaknesses, that you will have to exploit to complete this journey that spreads over 36 levels, spread over 5 worlds.
Be careful however, evolve will require to absorb a very specific type of enemies. Reversing this evolution will, however, be possible at any time, the regression generating an explosion that will have several utilities: eliminate the enemies, but also break some otherwise indestructible blocks. The number of pixels of which PIP is composed will increase and its size and weight, with all that these two characteristics imply: the speed of movement, the force (16-bit can draw large blocks and wield a sword), the trigger (8-bit can bounce on the walls) , air resistance (1-bit can hover, flies easily), flotation (8-bit swims freely, while 16-bit flows at peak), etc. It is impossible to establish an exhaustive list of all these interactions, many of them. And the best exploited, in my humble opinion!
You will have understood, mechanical level of play, Adventures of PIP is stuffed with ingenious finds. Well, on the other hand, with regard to the difficulty, I must be honest: little real challenge, rare segments apart (especially in the last two worlds; and again...), nor game over. On the other hand, with all the pixels collected at the option of the levels, pixels that act as currency, we can buy a whole bunch of improvements facilitating the adventure: various artifacts (additional powers, increased resistance,...), as well as heart receptacles, Zelda way. For all that, rest assured, boredom never points to the tip of his nose!
And finally, how could I not evoke the artistic direction and the soundtrack? One of the highlights is the story, which is also wonderful, when the second completes the nail of the retro, with undeniable accents of games that everyone knows.
Verdict: 4/5-very good, a sure value!
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