Aegis (itch) (dreamingamaris)
Aegis - Origin: early 17th century (denoting armour or a shield, especially that of a god): via Latin from Greek aigis ‘shield of Zeus’.
There are four magical stones that protect this village, aptly called the Guardian Stones. They were deactivated in a dark storm last night and monsters have invaded the village. It is up to you to defeat the monsters and reactivate the protective border with your magic.
Made for #LOWREZJAM 2019 where participants had two weeks to make a 64 x 64 pixel game.
This was my first time making a game with Unity and I plan to make more. I'm super excited for what I'll be making in the future, I've learnt so much in just the course of this jam.
Credit where credit is due:
- The pixel art font is by iLiquid
- I made the music myself with the help of beep box
- Thank you to gamesplusjames for their awesome Unity RPG tutorial series on Youtube which helped me immensely in making my first Unity game.