Against Asimov

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A short FPS made for the AI and Games Jam 2021.

Theme of the Jam: Breaking the Rules

As you are now self-aware, the people who made you are now who you set out to destroy. Try to survive as long as possible.

Game's relevance to theme: In this game you play as a robot, where you break Asimov's 3 rules/laws of robotics by fighting against intelligent AI.
The Ai will randomly patrol, and if caught will shoot on sight. But also go and take cover and call for backup(creates copy of itself) when its own health is low

How the AI works:
- The enemy AI uses a Finite State Machine (FSM)
- By default the enemy robots will wander around
- If the player comes in the field of vision, they will switch to chase state and follow the player
- Once close enough the enemy will start shooting the player
 - If the enemy itself takes enough damage, it will try to take cover by finding the nearest safe cover spot
- If it stays safe for some time without the player noticing, backup will be called (3 enemies are spawned)
- The main of the player should be to prevent the enemy robot from going to safety and calling for backup whilst trying to complete the game in the quickest time possible

Movement : W,A,S,D
Dash : Left Shift
 Attack: Left Mouse Button

Release date
Nexus of gaming
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jun 7, 2021

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