AIRIS reviews

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Microsoft from French
I'm used to play quite a few visual novels, but the only one I liked as much as this one was katawa shoujo by 4 Leaf Clover (which isn't an otome game but an eroge). Regarding Airis, I like the idea of being in a queer relationship with two out of the three main sidekicks and your actions are really taken into account, meaning we can't just rush the scenario and answer randomly : every question is important and may change drastically the course of the scenario, especially in the beginning of the story.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
AIRIS is a free visual novel, also called Otome or Japanese Adventure. I also call it animated Picture book. De facto, we click through a little Novel. The one here is very well written, the pictures look really good, the Story is (as almost usual) completely tangled, but we have a little more Decision-making options than usual in this Subgenre, I think that's good, because it brings us a little closer to the classic Adventure. All in all, very neat and free Otome.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Airis is a Visual Novel by Ebullience Games. One slips into the Role of Warrior Aliya, who protects her Country from angry Monsters and has been suffering from Blackouts for some Time. Looking For a Cure And the Cause of the Blackouts, she uncovers an incredible Rim Game. Overall, I found the Story extremely interesting, especially the basic Idea. The Romance could have been omitted, but it now seems to belong to the good Tone, especially at ftp VN, but it seems to belong to the good Tone. The Characters are all very different and since you also learn a lot about them they come across quite credibly. You can also collect some Background Information about the fantasy world in which the whole one plays. There are 3 Ways that the Character can take, which one takes depends largely on a Decision relatively early in the Game. Unfortunately, most of the other Decisions you are allowed to make in the Game are usually quite superfluous. There are then only a few other Sentences, otherwise only the End will be affected, of which there are 4 per Way (i.e. a total of 12 Endings). Unfortunately, the 3 Paths differ in some Points, which takes a little out of the Tension and makes Way 2 and 3 significantly more boring than way 1. The Background Drawings did not promise me so much in this UN, somehow most of them are too simple for me, although there are also some names. The Same goes for the Characters whose Look didn't convince me either, except for Aliya herself (and Teddy). The Sound is ok at first, but gets annoying at the second run at the latest. The Characters, unfortunately, are not set to music. Overall, a very average, solid UN. For UN fans and Achive Hunters, a Game you can avoid, especially since Airis is free.