Airlines Deluxe: Jam Edition
You love travelling, and, since you had an exhausting 6 months of intense work, you want something calm. You choose to travel with Nostres Airlines. They are really selling it though. You keep dreaming about it. It will be easy for you to go to that destination, but will you be able to return on the ground?
Newgrounds Page:
QnA:Q: If I enabled the level selection menu in the first Airlines, will it be there in Airlines DX?
A: No, cheats in Airlines are version dependent. Although they both share the same Unity Project, Airlines' save data is stored in Appdata/LocalLow/Safariminer/Airlines and Airlines DX's save data is stored in Appdata/LocalLow/Safariminer/Airlines DX.
Q: How do I get the "Haxxor" achievement?
A: Please refer to the Airlines DX Official Game Guide.
Q: Is the old Airlines still available?
A: Yes! You can download the last version of Airlines Standard Edition(Airlines_Old) on this page, or on the old Airlines page!
Q: Will Airlines ever have a web version?
A: Yes, Airlines DX will have a web version. It will be available on both Itch and Newgrounds. I'll try to keep Newgrounds for Flash games and music, though, so don't expect too many Unity games on there from me.
Q: Have you said Flash games? How do you do that in 2021?
A: I use Haxe and I compile to Flash. While you CAN still make Flash games, it's not recommended. Still, you can!
Q: Wow! Thanks for this trick!
A: Err, that's not a question, please phrase it as a question!
Q: Wow... SO original. I'm sure it's Crows Crows Crows that copied you for this and not the other way around!
A: That is also not a question.