AL-WAYS Hungry !
Arthur is stuck inside a gigantic cave with hungry . He has to cook for them in order not to get eaten himself, but they are very picky about their food and, most importantly, they are AL-WAYS hungry !
This project was made during a game design class at LUDUS Académie, we had to make a Level Design Document in a few days, and then give it to another student in order for them to make a game using this level design.
- Press Q, A or the left arrow to move left
- Press D or the right arrow to move right
- Press Z, W, or the up arrow to jump
- Press E to interact with objects and monsters
- Game design : Valentin FONDERFLICK and Gaëtan PIOU
- Level design : Valentin FONDERFLICK
- Programming : Gaëtan PIOU
- Art : Gaëtan PIOU and
- Music : Alteration by Makoto