Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Hidden Game/"Port Opportunity"/light 100% of achievements/Up to about 10 Hours category Pro * s No * s Graphics: Nice Animated, you click through different Scenes and explore a larger Area. -Handling, UI: Genre Typically lightweight Handling, if you click on the Edge of the Screen, you turn the View. If you Click on an object suspected On the Edge, you may accidentally turn around. Price performance: Very good value for money in The Genre. -Circumference: 2 Difficulty Levels, one Pass can take a few Hours. -Story: Pretty good. -Atmosphere: According to The Title, the Game succeeds in creating a mysterious Atmosphere. -Sound: Absolutely fine. -Difficulty: More difficult than similar Games in The Genre ratio (Beginner & Professional). Sometimes it may be confusing what current Goal you have to pursue. Achievements: 100% is very light overall. Customizable motivates possibly to 2nd Pass. -Collectible Cards Yes 6-Set ° Gameplay: You can get to each scene via the Map ("Ports System"). There you can also see color-different Markings that help you orient yourself. -Tips on removable Achievements and 100% (click here). Conclusion: A highly recommended Hidden Object Game, especially at this Price. Maybe You can even catch a discount action on top of it. ;) KeepCool & PlayReal!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
* What's going? Eva, an Orphan, experiences a strange Day that she was entered into the Inheritance of a well-removed relative. The Girl, who has no Idea at all about her Life outside the Orphanage, travels to Prague, where an Estate was bequalted to her. And finally, one Event after the next overturns. [+] ■ Atmospheric Environment ■ Reasonably good tension arc ■ English speaking + good Setting ■ many Puzzles but some puzzles are very light, some Difficult at normal level-but all solvable [-] ■ Some Animations are okay but the Facial expressions are completely under the Table Curved ■ partial Plate Dialogues, you can't identify with the Character ■ our Character takes any strange Encounter with the Occult, along the Lines of, "Oh, there's a Ghost, cool!" ■ The Love Story to Adam and Eve is more than mau-basically they don't know each other at all. ■ Our Character commits grave Desecration and Slump after motto: "Someone Has already done it before me, probably won't be so bad" Clearly there are Many Point-'n click-Adventures like Hidden Object games many Senseless, but there are often also positive Examples in which Then there is something else that is said about it. * My Conclusion: Visually very well done, but the Devil is in the Detail of what Made Alchemy Mysteries somewhat implausible to me. We can devote more Seriousness to the whole Issue. While I really liked the Setting, the Way our Character involved in his Happening was almost a Disappointment. The Character lacked some Humanity. The Love Story was too plump for me, too, too, because After all Adam invited her once and in the End he talks about the fact that he has somehow always waited for her? Wow. Just wow. As I said, the Topic with the Occult is very exciting. But I still have to say: It's nothing whole, it's nothing half. A Purchase is worth it just because of the nice Setting, but you shouldn't have big Expectations from a Story-technical point of view.