Alchemy: The Weapon
You are playing as a young girl world has been turned upside down. One fateful night, her Land and her town are attacked by a mysterious army of the undead. From minute to minute, she becomes a refugee. Of course, even if she is not a warrior, her courage forces her to help fight the enemy. Her fate changes at the moment she meets a talking cat, who introduces her to the secrets of the forgotten art of brewing magic potions.
Break the Rules. Even though you are not a fighter, you break the rules and refuse to became a refugee of war, instead you use your skill and wits to help the fighter.
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. Create magical potions that will upgrade armies of 3 different generals who are fighting for you and the Land.
Unconventional Weapon. Instead of swinging a sword you learn how to brew a potions, depending on your skill, you can directly change tides of war.
Tommy Smolik. Game design, story writing, coding, SFX, dubbing, art.
Lucy Pavlickova. Playtesting, dubbing female characters.
Garadrak. Music: